October 17, 2021

How to do free SEO for your site? This is the question that many businesses are asking themselves at the moment!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your site. If you do not know SEO, it is all the techniques that improve the visibility of your site and increase its ranking in search results.

Natural referencing is very important to increase traffic on its site, because Internet users find the information they are looking for more easily by typing in well-chosen keywords than by following a search engine. The main search engines used are Google, Yahoo and Bing.

In this article, we’ll explain what SEO is and how to optimize your site to get a good ranking in search results.

1. What is SEO?

To know how to do Google SEO, the first step is to understand what it is.

SEO is a strategy that consists of improving the positioning of your site in Google, Yahoo and Bing search results. To help you succeed with your SEO strategy, it is important to know the basics.

The main techniques of SEO are:

– the creation of relevant and original content that will interest Internet users, will encourage them to stay on your site and return to your site.

– optimization of your content (titles, tags and keywords).

– the creation of an action plan that will allow you to achieve your goals.

You can also use internal and external links to improve your SEO. For example, if you want to improve the ranking of an article, you can make internal and / or external links to that article. Another blog can for example cite this last one (external link) and one of your own articles can cite it too (internal link).

All these points will contribute to your SEO authority score! The more Google sees that you have a high score, the more it will position your content.

2. Why is SEO important?

SEO is one of the most important aspects for your site. It can even allow you to overtake your competition in terms of monthly traffic. SEO is one of the most important and demanding marketing techniques, but it can very well be the most profitable if you do it right (that’s what this guide is for!).

The better the SEO, the more visits you will have to your site regularly. It may even be more and more important over time. Indeed, you will increase your traffic and therefore increase the income of your site.

Very often, we will advise to invest in natural referencing, because it is a strategy which requires a lot of work but which can pay a lot. If you know how to do SEO, you will be very profitable.

However, for some companies, paid referencing can also be interesting. It is not a bad idea to budget for keyword purchasing (SEA). In the best of all worlds, SEA can bring you short-term results so you can wait for long-term SEO results.

3. How to do free SEO ?

To know how to do SEO, you need to know the basic techniques.

1. Build a quality site: The site must be secure, well optimized and perfectly referenced in search engines. We have already written an article on the subject: How to get your blog listed in 10 tips

2. Offer quality content: quantity is good, but quality is even better! Your site should provide valuable, quality information. To be effective, the content must be well written and be written by someone who knows their topic. Your content should allow you to create links to the site and bring your site to life through positive comments and opinions. Search engines are sensitive to positive comments. So, do not hesitate to leave your opinion on other sites.

3. Use targeted keywords: Identify the keywords that are used the most for your products and your business. We have already written an article on the subject: How to choose your keywords with Yoast SEO?

4. Be regular: SEO is a long-term job and requires a good knowledge of search engines. However, once your site is well optimized and well referenced in the search engines, all you have to do is wait for customers to come knocking on your door! Being regular is essential to know how to do natural referencing.

4. Content for your SEO

As we said earlier, an important step in knowing how to do SEO is: your content must be of quality and must use the right keywords!

Here are some tips for optimizing an article from an SEO perspective:

Article Title : in an article, the titles are very important for natural referencing. The title must be unique, concise and attractive enough to make Internet users click.

Description : the meta description is a very important element for natural referencing. This space allows the article to be described and its content to be presented. Feel free to add your keywords in this space too.

Keywords : Keywords are one of the main components of natural referencing. You should use at least 1 main keyword in each article and repeat it throughout the article in order to optimize your content. Google will understand that your article is about this subject.

Pictures : Images are very useful for improving the SEO of an article. You must therefore place at least one image in your article otherwise you potentially lose positions on Google.

5. The tools necessary to succeed in your natural referencing

To succeed in your SEO, you must have tools that allow you to optimize your content quickly. There are many free tools on the internet that you can use for this. Here is a non-exhaustive list of tools that you can use for free:

RankMath SEO WordPress Logo

RankMath : It is a WordPress plugin which is used in this article to boost the natural referencing of this site. It is very comprehensive and allows you to optimize your content in just a few clicks. It is therefore advisable to use this plugin for your site.

Semrush for SEO

Semrush Where Ahrefs : These are tools that let you know the most profitable keywords on the Internet. You can add some in your article and thus increase your traffic by acting on your natural referencing.

Google analytics : It is an essential tool if you want to optimize your content. It allows you to carry out very precise measurements on your site and to know the keywords which allow to have a maximum of traffic on your site.

Google Search Console : This tool is also very useful to find out which keywords are the most profitable on Google. It also allows you to follow the evolution of your positioning on Google and to know if you are making progress or not.

MarkCopy SEO

Mark Copy : artificial intelligence that allows you to write content very quickly. In a matter of minutes, you can get great content on any topic and then be able to use it on your site.

About the Author Selim Chehimi

CEO @MarkCopy

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