“How-To” articles are everywhere you look online – they’re so popular because they’re super helpful! 🤩

In this article, I’m going to show you how to make a “How-To” article that’s sure to perform well in Google.

Before we get started, I want to make it clear that this article is not meant to be a comprehensive guide on all aspects of writing How-To articles, but it’s a great starting point for all of you who are looking for a better understanding of the topic.

I’m also going to show you how to write a “How-To” article in a way that will appeal to Google and its search engine algorithm, so I highly recommend you read it if you’re planning on writing “How-To” articles.

1. What is a how-to article?

Not sure how to write a how-to article? No worries.

A “how to” article is a type of article that provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform a particular task or accomplish a specific goal. These articles are often written in a practical, informative, and instructional style and are intended to help the reader learn a new skill or complete a task successfully.

Some examples of “how to” articles in the marketing field include “How to write a LinkedIn post,” “How to do my SEO keyword research,” and “How to start a blog.”

👉🏼 “How to” articles are popular because they offer practical and useful information that can be easily applied to real-life situations. Some examples could be “How to change a car tire”, “How to bake a cake”, or even “How to lose weight”.

2. How to articles: What makes them effective?

If you’re looking to share some of your knowledge with your audience, writing a “How-To” article is a great way to do it. We’ve put together this blog to help you out – we’ll show you how to back up your claims, how to organize your article for maximum impact, and more.

There are several key factors that contribute to the effectiveness of “how to” articles:

  • Clear and concise language: “How to” articles should be written in a clear and easy-to-understand language. This helps the reader follow the instructions and complete the task without getting confused or frustrated.
  • Detailed and specific instructions: “How to” articles should provide detailed and specific instructions that are easy to follow. This helps the reader complete the task successfully and achieve the desired results.
  • Use of numbered or bullet points: Listing the steps or procedures in a numbered or bullet point format makes it easier for the reader to follow along and stay organized.
  • Relevant images or videos: Including relevant images or videos can help the reader better understand the instructions and visualize the steps.
  • Cautionary notes or warnings: If there are any potential hazards or risks associated with the task being described, it is important to include cautionary notes or warnings to help the reader stay safe.
  • Practical and useful information: “How to” articles should provide practical and useful information that can be easily applied to real-life situations. This helps the reader feel motivated and empowered to try out the new skill or task.

3. 5 Tips for planning and organizing a “how to” article

We all have questions and we all want answers, right? That’s why “how-to” articles are so popular – they help us learn how to do something or understand how something works.

Pretty cool, huh? 🥳

Identifying the purpose and target audience

If you want to give your audience something they’ll actually find useful, you need to get to know who they are and what they’re looking for.

Take a few minutes to think about who’ll be reading your article, what kind of information they’re seeking, and how you can help them. Once you have the answers, you can create an awesome article that your audience will love! 💙

Identifying the purpose of the article and the target audience is an important step in the planning and organizing process for a “how to” article.

By understanding the purpose of the article and the needs and interests of your readers, you can ensure that the content and language of the article are tailored to meet their needs and expectations.

This will help you create a more effective and engaging “how to” article that resonates with your readers and helps them accomplish the task or goal described in the article.

Outlining the steps or procedures to be covered

Writing an article like this can be much easier if you have a plan in place.

Start by making an outline of all the steps you’ll cover – this will help your writing stay organized and make it easier for your readers to follow.

Plus, having a plan will help ensure that the information is relevant and helpful.

Creating an outline of the steps or procedures to be covered in the article is an important way to stay organized and ensure that you cover all the necessary information.

An outline allows you to break down the task or goal into smaller, more manageable steps and helps you structure the content of the article in a logical and coherent way.

By outlining the steps or procedures in advance, you can also ensure that you have all the necessary information and resources on hand before you start writing, which can save time and make the writing process more efficient.

Gathering necessary resources and materials

Writing a great article starts with having the right resources, but it’s also important to organize them in a way that makes sense for your readers.

It is important to gather all the necessary resources and materials before you start writing a “how to” article. Having the right resources on hand can help you explain the steps or procedures clearly and accurately and make the writing process more efficient.

Depending on the topic of your article, you may need to consult reference materials, such as books, articles, or websites, to ensure that you have all the necessary information. You may also want to include images or videos to illustrate the steps or provide visual examples to help the reader better understand the instructions.

By gathering all the necessary resources and materials in advance, you can save time and avoid the need to interrupt the writing process to look for additional information.

Consider the level of expertise

It is important to consider the level of expertise of your target audience when writing a “how to” article.

If you are writing for a beginner audience, it is important to provide clear and detailed instructions that assume little to no prior knowledge of the topic. This will help the reader understand the instructions and complete the task successfully.

If you are writing for a more advanced audience, you can assume a higher level of knowledge and focus on more complex or specialized information. This allows you to delve deeper into the topic and provide more in-depth instructions that cater to the interests and needs of your advanced readers.

By considering the level of expertise of your target audience, you can ensure that the content and language of your “how to” article are tailored to meet their needs and expectations.

Use headings and subheadings

Using headings and subheadings is a useful way to break up the content of a “how to” article and make it easier for the reader to follow along.

Headings and subheadings help to organize the content and make it more visually appealing and easier to scan. They also help to highlight the main points of the article and make it easier for the reader to find the information they are looking for.

When using headings and subheadings, it is important to use descriptive and concise titles that accurately reflect the content of the section they are introducing. This will help the reader quickly understand the content of the article and follow the instructions more easily.


In conclusion, “how to” articles are a popular and effective way to provide practical and useful information to readers.

Now that you have learned the tips for writing effective “how to” articles, why not put your new skills to the test?

Choose a task or goal that you are familiar with and try writing your own “how to” article.

You might be surprised at how much you know and how helpful your instructions can be to others. 🥳

Share your “how to” article with your audience and see how they respond. You never know, you may discover a new talent for writing and teaching others! Let’s goooo. 🔥

About the Author Camille Dufossez

SEO manager @MarkCopy

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