What is tone in writing, and why is it important?

Tone is an essential part of writing. It’s what makes your writing sound like you, and it’s what makes your readers feel what you want them to feel. By being intentional with the words we use, words can change the meaning entirely to support the intentions of the writer, depending on your situation.

In marketing, tone is even more important. This is how a writer can convey excitement, curiosity, optimism, fear, assertiveness, and are therefore crucial in understanding what the writer wants to say. If a tone is not used properly, it is easy to confuse the reader, anger them, or make your audience distrust you entirely. So it is important to wield tone correctly in order to achieve the best results. 

Using Mark Copy AI, you are able to adapt your writing style on the fly to make sure you are communicating the message in the right way. 

But how do you know whether or not you are using the correct tone? This can be tricky, as often this will come down to the audience that you are writing for. 

What is the impact of tone on your copy?

The tone of a piece of writing can have an enormous impact on how the copy is perceived by its audience. 

For example:

“To whom it may concern…”


Both greetings, with tones at the opposite end of the spectrum. One of the above is intended for a close friend. The other for a job application.

No prizes for guessing which is which…..

When thinking about what tone to use in the right situation, we need to first start by sorting content. Thankfully, most content can be put into a couple of different buckets

The most common examples can be split into informative content, which is very common in academic research or business documents; and persuasive content, which is often found in marketing content, sales content, and political campaigns. Depending on the kind of content you are looking to put out in the world, determines the right tone for your message.

For example, informative content is typically objective and not intended to persuade. It presents facts and figures, but it doesn’t try to convince the reader of anything. Persuasive content is inherently more subjective. It’s often very opinionated, with facts used to support the writer’s argument. However, persuasive content is also less objective than informative content. The author may use loaded language or appeal to emotions to persuade the reader, which isn’t common in informative content. 

Of course – life likes to throw us curveballs. Some texts may be informative and persuasive at the same time. News articles can be a great example of content filled with the authors (or news agencies) opinion, supported by the facts and figures it chooses to illustrate their opinion. That piece will have both informative and persuasive tone throughout the article. Two sports journalists supporting different teams will have entirely different views on the same game, and their tone will reflect this.

How can tone in writing help you connect with your audience?

Tone is a crucial element of communication, as tone helps to influence your audience’s perception of you and your product or service. Using a friendly tone can make your audience feel at ease, whereas a journalistic tone in a blog article can help establish your reputation as a thought leader. 

The style of the copy can also influence how persuasive it is. For example, using a direct tone can create a sense of urgency, encouraging your audience to act immediately. This can be critical when coming up with calls to action in marketing and sales activities. 

And as we live in an age where content is consumed like never before, tone can make or break your marketing and sales strategy. In fact, it can make the difference between a potential customer buying your product or not. So you need to be careful. Do you have the right tone for your audience? Do you sound like a trustworthy thought leader? Or arrogant and aggressive? The wrong tone can turn customers off and damage your brand entirely.

On a positive note, striking the right tone in your content has several benefits. It can create a more positive brand experience for your customers, building a better relationship with your audience. It can convey authority and professionalism. This can be a big plus when you’re trying to win over potential customers. After all, a happy customer is more likely to return and make additional purchases.

Moreover, it makes your brand memorable. Just like emotion, your tone of writing can stay with your customers for a long time. Customers will remember how you made them feel, long after they forget what you said.  

You can have the best product or service in the world, but it won’t mean anything if you can’t communicate it effectively. 

So how can AI help strike the right tone?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the world. As this technology continues to develop, it will continue to change the way we work. Since the AI technology is able to learn from human written texts, AI content creation tools are constantly improving their writing skills to sound like a human copywriter (you), every time content is created. 

Of course, a human writer is still needed to lead the project and tell the tool what he wants it to write about. 

To illustrate how powerful AI content creation can be, Mark Copy AI has created the title, outline, and approximately 90% of this entire article, in under 5 minutes. From here I have tweaked the parts that needed a human hand, played around with the order of the paragraphs, ready for our audience to get their hungry little mitts on. An article that might have taken me a day or two, was ready in between coffee breaks. 

 It is designed to be a writing assistant that takes away the dreaded blank page rather than a subject matter expert. That part we leave to you 🙂

So let’s set the right tone, and start to have the right impact on your audience as soon as possible! Try Mark Copy AI for free! (See how a direct tone can give you a gentle nudge in the right direction 😂)

About the Author Whata Castle

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