In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to be able to quickly and effectively process information. One skill that can help with this is the ability to summarize articles and other written works.

Summarizing allows you to distill the main points and key message of an article into a shorter, more concise format. This can be especially useful if you need to read a large volume of material, or if you want to share the content of an article with others in a more efficient manner.

In this blog post, we’ll go through the steps on how to start a summary of an article, so you can improve your skills and become a more efficient reader and communicator.

Step 1: Read the article in its entirety

Before you can effectively summarize an article, it’s important to have a good understanding of its content. This means reading the article from beginning to end, paying attention to the details and nuances of the text. It can be tempting to skip sections or skim over parts that seem less relevant, but it’s important to read the entire article to ensure you don’t miss any important points or context.

Here are a few tips for reading effectively:

  • Skim the article first to get an overview of its content and structure. Look for headings and subheadings, as these can give you a sense of the main points and arguments of the article.
  • Take notes as you read. This can help you remember key points and ideas, and also allow you to refer back to them as you draft your summary.
  • Highlight or underline important passages or phrases. This can help you identify the main points and arguments of the article more easily.

Remember, the goal of reading the article in its entirety is to gain a thorough understanding of the content and context. Don’t be afraid to spend a little extra time on this step – it will pay off in the long run when you start summarizing.

Step 2: Identify the main points and arguments

Once you have read the article in its entirety, the next step is to identify the main points and arguments. These are the key ideas that the author is trying to convey and the evidence they use to support their claims.

To identify the main points and arguments, look for topic sentences, which are usually located at the beginning of a paragraph and give a brief overview of the content of the paragraph. You should also pay attention to headings and subheadings, as these can indicate the main points and arguments of the article.

Another strategy is to ask yourself what the article is trying to persuade you to believe or do. This can help you identify the main message or takeaway of the article.

Remember, the goal of this step is to get a sense of the overall structure and argument of the article. Don’t worry about understanding every detail – just focus on the main points and arguments.

Step 3: Consider the purpose and audience of the article

Understanding the purpose and audience of an article can help you determine which information is most important to include in your summary.

To identify the purpose of the article, consider the language and tone of the text. Is the author trying to inform, persuade, or entertain? Is the tone formal or casual? Understanding the purpose can help you determine which points are most important to include in your summary.

To identify the audience, consider the publication or website where the article appears. Is it a scholarly journal for experts in a particular field, or a popular magazine for a general audience? Understanding the audience can help you determine how much background information to include in your summary and how technical the language should be.

Remember, the goal of this step is to get a sense of the context in which the article was written and the intended audience. This will help you tailor your summary to be most effective for your own purposes and audience.

Step 4: Determine the key takeaway or main message

Now that you have a good understanding of the main points and arguments of the article and the purpose and audience, it’s time to determine the key takeaway or main message. This is the most important point that the author is trying to convey, and it should be the focus of your summary.

To determine the main message, ask yourself what the article is trying to persuade you to believe or do. What is the main point or argument that the author is trying to make? What is the main takeaway that you should remember?

It can be helpful to write down the main message in a single sentence or phrase. This will give you a clear focus for your summary and help you stay on track as you draft.

Remember, the goal of this step is to identify the most important point that the author is trying to make. This will be the foundation of your summary, so take the time to understand it clearly.

Step 5: Draft your summary

Now that you have a good understanding of the main points and arguments, purpose, audience, and main message of the article, it’s time to start drafting your summary.

To draft an effective summary, it’s important to present the main points and key message in a concise and clear manner. Use your own words as much as possible, and avoid including unnecessary details or digressions.

It’s also a good idea to include the title of the article and the name of the author in your summary. This gives context and credit to the original source.

Remember, the goal of your summary is to convey the main points and key message of the article in a condensed format. Be sure to focus on the most important information and present it in a clear and concise manner.

With these steps in mind, you’ll be well on your way to effectively summarizing articles and other written works. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to try summarizing a variety of articles to improve your skills.


In conclusion, being able to summarize articles and other written works is a valuable skill that can help you efficiently process and share information.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post – reading the article in its entirety, identifying the main points and arguments, considering the purpose and audience, determining the main message, and drafting your summary – you can improve your summarizing skills and become a more efficient reader and communicator.

Start summarizing today and become a pro at distilling the main points and key messages of any article.

Summarizing takes practice, so don’t be afraid to try summarizing a variety of articles to hone your skills. With time and practice, you’ll become more proficient at identifying the most important points and conveying them in a concise and clear manner.

Happy summarizing! 🤖

About the Author Camille Dufossez

SEO manager @MarkCopy

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