This is the question that crosses the mind of every blogger at some point. You might have invested time and effort into building your blog; to then struggle to create quality blog posts. It could be that your blog has grown in the past weeks, but then plateaued.

Or maybe you’ve already built a successful blog, and now want to set your next big goal. Whether you are trying to attract your first visitor or your 10,000th visitor, driving traffic to your website is essential to growing your business. If your website is optimized to maximize conversions, an increase in traffic could translate into more customers and more sales.

To help you write a blog post outline, in this article we show you 6 high-impact techniques that will help you attract more visitors, and hopefully increase sales.

Step 1 – Choose your blog post topic

It is quite common knowledge that a blog’s success is directly linked to the content it provides. To make sure your blog gets the readers it deserves, you need to create content that people want to read. It needs to be so good that people can’t help but share it with others. But how do you create content that is engaging and interesting?

Planning your blog post topic is the most important thing for you to do before you start writing your content. You should ask yourself a question before you start writing your content: What do you want your audience to know after reading your post?

When you choose a post topic, it’s important to think about the people you’re writing for. What are they interested in? What do they need help with?

Step 2 – Break that big idea down into sections (H2, H3, H4)

Once we choose a topic for our blog post, we should break it down into smaller sections. This way it will be easier for us to write and organize our thoughts.

You can use H2 headlines for this purpose and H3 and H4 if the content is big enough. In that case, you need to make sure you have a good reason for using them. You shouldn’t use them just because you can.

Always keep in mind your reader’s needs

As I have mentioned above, writing content that is interesting and engaging requires you to think a lot about your audience. You cannot write content that people will like if you don’t understand what they need and what they are looking for. If you can answer the question your audience have in one paragraph then do it !

You don’t always need 3,000 words.

Analyze your competitors

You need to find out what your competitors are doing right and wrong. What works for them? What doesn’t work?

You can’t copy them of course, but you can learn from their outlines. What do you think about their headlines? What about the structure of their posts? If they are in 1st position they must be doing something right.

You can learn a lot by analyzing the best content on the market. And then ask yourself how you can do better.

Step 3 – List each of your points along with supporting facts and details.

It’s almost time to get started! But before, start by writing down your thoughts on the topic, using bullet points. Then, expand each one, adding supporting facts and details to build a strong foundation for your blog post. Next, you will edit your work to make sure your paragraphs flow smoothly. And finally, proofread everything to make sure that there are no errors.

Step 4 – Translate your points into sentences

Now that you have your outline, it’s time to pick up your pen and start writing. Of course, you might find yourself having some writer’s block, but you can always come back to this outline to keep your ideas straight.

Before you get started, read through your bullet points and ask yourself how you can turn them into sentences.

The goal is to make your points more specific, and to add details that will help your reader understand the content even better.

Step 5 – Make sure all of the sentences are connected and flow together well

Once you’ve written your blog post, it’s time to connect the paragraphs and make sure that everything flows well together. But don’t worry! If you find yourself struggling, you can always come back to your outline.

Read through the sentences again, and make sure they flow smoothly together. Then, edit your work to check for any errors or mistakes.

Now you can look at your blog post from a reader’s perspective. Is it easy to read? Will the information be useful to your readers? Does it connect with how you want to present your business?

Once you’re happy with your post, it’s time to hit publish and share it with the world!


So you want to write a blog post, but you don’t know how to structure that post first. If you’re like me, creating an outline can be a daunting task. Here are five steps you can use to write an outline for your blog post: Step 1 – A big picture idea of what the post should be about. Step 2 – Break that big idea down into smaller ideas and details. Focus on making each detail a point. Step 3 – List each of your points along with supporting facts and details. Step 4 – Translate your points into sentences Step 5 – Make sure all of the sentences are connected and flow together well.

Now you’ve got it!

About the Author Selim Chehimi

CEO @MarkCopy

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