Every great online marketing strategy starts by defining your keywords. Because the internet is made up of billions of pages of information, it’s important to optimize your website so your audience can find you. 

That’s where keywords come in. 

The idea is to base your content creation on a well-defined set of keywords, to improve your visibility on search engines, and where it should rank. This is especially important for the most used search engine of all – Google 🚀

But that raises the question: how do you pick the right keywords?

In this article, we’ll go through the process to do your keyword research with Mark Copy AI.

Start by selecting the “Full Blog Post” template on Mark Copy AI

Hopefully at this point you’re already familiar with Mark Copy AI as a writing assistant to help out with many aspects of writing tasks, including SEO optimised blog articles. But what you might not know is it can also be a very effective SEO tool

Mark’s SEO research tool may just be your new best friend 🫶🏼

So, the first step is to go on the “Full Blog Post” template. It should look something like this 👇🏼

Go on the SEO section of the blog article template

Then, before you start generating your text with the AI, take time to check the SEO section, on the right of the screen.

If you already have an idea of the SEO keyword you want to target, this is where you can enter it. 

With this, you’ll be able to check the search Average Search Volume, Trend over time, as well as the difficulty level on that keyword, before you get started creating your next blog article. You might choose to adapt your SEO strategy based on those insights 🤔

If you have no idea of the keyword you should target for your blog article, let Mark do the heavy lifting on that one. 

Type the topic of your blog in 1 to 5 words, and we’ll start to analyze search engine results, to recommend the best SEO keywords opportunities based on Average Search Volume, Trend, and Difficulty level 😍

Check out the SEO recommendations

Now that we have chosen our main keywords that we want to target, now we can explore the SEO recommendations for your blog article, based on SEO best practices. By clicking on the different sections, we can see recommendations to improve the:

  • Structure

  • Title
  • Keywords
  • The tool is analyzing the text you’re generating with the AI in real time, so these recommendations will adjust as you create your article. This way, you’ll be able to meet the most important SEO requirements to rank on Google as you go!

    No more guesswork.

    Don’t forget to check your SEO score

    At the top of the SEO section, you’ll see an SEO scoreboard for your content. The closer your SEO score gets to 100, the more likely your content is to rank on the search engines results pages. 

    Don’t forget to check out the detailed SEO recommendations to know exactly which part of your blog needs to be improved.

    Now you’re all set to rank on Google!

    We did warn you that Mark Copy AI’s keyword research feature might be your new bestie. Take advantage of it as much as possible to challenge your blog’s ranking on the SERP!! 🤩

    About the Author Camille Dufossez

    SEO manager @MarkCopy

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