Have you ever heard about content marketing? You know it is the way to go, especially since Google released its Helpful Content Update. If you want to scale your SEO, there is definitely one way to go : writing quality content, posting blog articles with many keywords to rank on and work on their optimization.

If you want to get the most of your SEO investment, a blog is the best way to expand your SEO efforts. Blogging will help you improve your search engine rankings, attract traffic, and establish a persona for your brand.

More than never, you need to get started and create the best blog articles on your website. It is the most efficient way to see your organic traffic reach the top on Google. But writing an optimized blog article might be challenging.

Here is a guide with 8 tips to improve your SEO blog writing. Let’s see how to write the best SEO-friendly content for your website!

Use SEO-friendly titles

You should use SEO-friendly titles for your blog posts.

The title is the first thing that people will see and it will be the only thing they will see if they don’t click on your post.

If you use a title that is clear and concise, you will make it easy for users to understand what your post is about. 🎯

Make sure that your title is not only SEO-friendly but also unique. If you use a unique title, more people will click on your post to see what it is all about. The more traffic you get, the more exposure you will get and the more you will grow.

Your goal is to find a title that’s both optimized for marketing and SEO.

Use keywords in the post body

If you want to use keywords in your blog post, it’s important to use them in the right way.

If you use them too much, it will be hard to read your content.

That’s why you should use them in the right amount.

When you add content to your blog, you should use keywords in the first 200 words of your content. This is by far the most important paragraph to optimize cause this is what Google looks at first.

Use headings and subheadings

If you use headings and subheadings, you will make your content easier to read and index.

The heading tags can help your users quickly understand the content you are writing. Do not use heading tags for the sake of SEO. Instead, use them to organize your content in a clear and meaningful way.

Structure your article with an Hn structure

Use H1 tags for the main titles of your pages. You can use H2, H3, and H4 tags for subheadings and minor content sections. H5-H6 tags are rarely used on modern websites.

Avoid overusing heading tags. If you use too many heading tags, you will make the content confusing for people to read.

Include links

You should certainly include links to your product pages in your blog posts, as well as links to other product pages that are related to the topic.

However, you should avoid linking to your product pages unnecessarily. If your blog post focuses on one topic and your product page is related to that topic, it makes sense to link to it. If your blog post is about something completely different, however, linking to your product page may not be relevant. I

f you do link to your product page, you should also choose a link title that is relevant to the content of the post.

Include images

Including images on your blog post can help your blog post stand out on search engine results pages. While the number of images you include on your blog post isn’t as important as the content you write for your blog post, it’s still important to include images in your blog post.

Include videos

There is no doubt that videos have gained importance in the world of content marketing. It does not only increase the conversion rate but also increases your traffic.

YouTube is the second search engine in the world

It is necessary to know that YouTube is the second most important search engine in the world.

YouTube is clearly a big part of the SEO game and each video can become an evergreen content bringing your traffic every single day.

Use bulleted lists

Bulleted lists are a great way to organize your content.

They are easy to read, and they are easy to scan. They also help you easily organize your content and give your audience a very clear outline of what they should be doing next.

People love lists! Use them.

Where can you add your SEO keywords ?

One of the most important things you can do for SEO is to add your keywords to the blog. Not only will you attract more traffic, but you will also be able to rank higher in search engines.

Here are placements that you need to keep in mind :

Top SEO keywords placements

  • Meta title
  • Meta descriptions
  • URL
  • Images (name and alt)
  • In the Introduction
  • In your outline


As your blog is a powerful marketing tool for your business, it is important to treat it properly and improve it to increase revenue and more clients. One of the most effective ways to boost traffic to your website is by improving SEO. With the right SEO techniques, you can grow your online business easily. If you want to add SEO to your blog, the 8 tips that will help you improve SEO: – Use SEO-friendly titles, – Use keywords in the post body, – Use headings and subheadings, – Include links, – Include images, – Include video and audio, – Use bulleted lists, – Where can you add your SEO keywords?

See you in another article!

About the Author Selim Chehimi

CEO @MarkCopy

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