1. Create a top 10 list (TOFU – high reach)

People love top 10 lists on LinkedIn, it works incredibly well. On this top 10 list you can make sure to include your product or service inside 😉

Example of top 10 list :

✅ Top 10 mistakes I’ve made recently

✅ Top 10 tools I can’t live without

✅ My Top 10 habits for success

💡 Make it a carrousel. Carrousel works super well on LinkedIn.

2. Share a Mistake or Failure (TOFU)

Sharing a mistake or failure can be a great way to connect with your audience and show that you are human. It can also be a valuable learning opportunity for others.

When sharing a mistake or failure, it’s important to be honest and open about what happened and what you learned from it. This can be a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Some ideas for sharing a mistake or failure on LinkedIn might include:

✅ Describing a project that didn’t go as planned and what you learned from it

✅ Sharing a decision you made that didn’t work out and how you addressed it

✅ Recounting a time when you made a mistake and how you learned from it

✅ Discussing a failure you experienced and how you moved forward from it

💡 Remember to keep things positive and focus on the lessons learned rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of the experience.

3. Answer a frequently asked question (MOFU – Medium / low reach)

Answering a frequently asked question can be a great way to provide valuable information to your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field. It’s important to choose a question that is relevant to your audience and that you have a good understanding of. This could be a question related to your product or service, a trend in your industry, or a problem that your audience is facing. When answering a frequently asked question, be sure to provide a thorough and well-researched answer. You can also include examples or case studies to illustrate your points and make your answer more engaging.

Some ideas for frequently asked questions to answer on LinkedIn might include:

✅ How do I get started in [industry]?

✅ What are the best tools for [task]?

✅ How can I improve my [skill]?

✅ How do I overcome [common problem]?

💡 Remember to keep your answer focused and informative, and be sure to include any relevant links or resources for further reading.

4. Share something that inspires you (TOFU – high reach – low conversions)

Sharing something that inspires you can be a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and show your interests and values. It could be a quote, a video, a blog post, or anything else that resonates with you and that you think might inspire others as well. When sharing something that inspires you, it’s important to explain why it inspires you and how it relates to your work or your life. This can help your audience understand why it’s meaningful to you and how they might be able to apply it to their own lives.

Some ideas for things to share that might inspire others might include:

✅ A quote from a leader or mentor that has influenced you

✅ A video or TED talk that has inspired you

✅ A blog post or article that resonated with you

✅ A personal story or experience that has had a big impact on you

💡 Remember to keep things positive and try to focus on the uplifting aspects of what you’re sharing.

5. Include a case study from on of your clients and show you helped (BOFU – low reach – high conversions)

Including a case study from one of your clients can be a great way to showcase the value of your product or service and demonstrate how you have helped others. When sharing a case study, it’s important to focus on the results and the impact that your product or service had for the client. This can help your audience understand the benefits of working with you and how you can help them achieve their goals.

To create a case study, you’ll need to gather some information about the client, including their background, the problem they were facing, and the solution you provided. You’ll also want to include details about the results, such as any improvements in efficiency, productivity, or profitability that the client experienced as a result of your product or service.

Some ideas for case studies you might share on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A success story from a client who has seen significant improvements in their business since working with you

✅ A case study that highlights the unique challenges and solutions you provided for a particular client

✅ A testimonial from a satisfied client that demonstrates the value of your product or service

💡 Remember to keep your case study focused and informative, and be sure to include any relevant data or metrics to support your claims.

6. Share an industry news (TOFU)

Sharing industry news can be a great way to stay current and relevant in your field, and it can also help you connect with your audience by providing them with valuable information. When sharing industry news, it’s important to choose news that is relevant and interesting to your audience, and to provide your own commentary or insights on the topic. This can help your audience understand the significance of the news and how it might affect them or their industry.

Some ideas for industry news you might share on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A new product or service launch in your industry

✅ A trend or development that is impacting your industry

✅ A news article or report that covers a topic that is relevant to your audience

💡 Remember to provide your own perspective or analysis on the news, and be sure to include any relevant links or resources for further reading.

7. Create a carousel (TOFU to BOFU possible)

Creating a carousel is a great way to present multiple pieces of information or images in a visually appealing and interactive way on LinkedIn.

Carousels can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience and driving conversions, as they allow you to present a lot of information in a compact and easy-to-digest format. Some ideas for carousels you might create on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A product showcase, featuring images and descriptions of your products or services (BOFU)

✅ A series of testimonials from satisfied clients (BOFU)

✅ A step-by-step guide or tutorial on a specific topic (MOFU)

✅ A collection of behind-the-scenes photos or videos from your business (TOFU)

💡 Remember to keep your carousel visually appealing and informative, and be sure to include calls to action or other conversion elements to drive engagement and conversions.

📈 Reach potential is very high

8. Share who do you admire the most in your industry and why (TOFU / MOFU)

Sharing who you most admire in your industry can be a great way to connect with your audience.

It’s important to choose someone who is respected and well-known in your industry, because being associated with that person will increase your credibility as well. This could be because of their expertise, their leadership, their innovation, or any other qualities that you find inspiring.

Some ideas for people you might admire in your industry might include:

✅ A mentor or leader who has had a big impact on your career

✅ An innovator or thought leader who has made significant contributions to your field

✅ A colleague or peer who has inspired you with their work or attitude

💡 Remember to keep things positive and that this can lead to incredible co-marketing opportunities!

9. Share a surprising statistic from your industry (MOFU)

A surprising statistic can help to grab your audience’s attention and make your content more memorable. When sharing a statistic, it’s important to choose one that is relevant and interesting to your audience, and to provide context and analysis to help your audience understand the significance of the statistic.

Some ideas for surprising statistics you might share on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A statistic that illustrates a trend or change in your industry

✅ A statistic that challenges a common misconception or assumption

✅ A statistic that highlights a problem or opportunity in your industry

💡Remember to provide context and analysis to help your audience understand the significance of the statistic, and be sure to include any relevant links or sources for further reading.

10. Create a “How-To” Video to show you to use your product/service (BOFU)

These videos are by far our favorites ! They convert a lot and are super engaging.

A how-to video should be focused and informative, and it should provide step-by-step instructions or guidance on how to use your product or service. You can also include tips or best practices to help your audience get the most out of your product or service.

To create a how-to video, you’ll need to choose a topic that is relevant and useful to your audience, and then create a script or outline that covers the steps involved in using your product or service. You’ll also need to decide on the format of your video, such as whether you want to use live action or animation, and whether you want to include audio narration or on-screen text.

Some ideas for how-to videos you might create on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A tutorial on how to use your product or service

✅ A guide on how to solve a common problem or challenge using your product or service

✅ A walkthrough of the features and benefits of your product or service

💡 Remember to keep your how-to video focused and informative, and be sure to include any relevant links or resources for further reading.

📈 We recommend using tools like Veed IO to record and edit your video.

11. Share a selfie of you alongside an inspiring story (TOFU)

Sharing a selfie of you alongside an inspiring story can be a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level and show your values and personality. When sharing an inspiring story, it’s important to choose a story that is relevant and meaningful to you, and to explain why it inspires you. This could be a personal anecdote, a story about someone you admire, or an experience that had a big impact on you.

You’ll need to take a photo of yourself and then write a post that includes the story and explains why it inspires you.

Some ideas for inspiring stories you might share on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A personal anecdote about overcoming a challenge or obstacle

✅ A story about someone you admire and why you find them inspiring

✅ An experience that had a big impact on you and how it changed your perspective

💡Remember to keep things positive and focused on the uplifting aspects of your story.

12. Post a review of a recent event you attended (MOFU)

Posting a review of a recent event you attended can be a great way to provide valuable information to your audience and share your insights and experiences.

When writing a review of an event, it’s important to focus on the key takeaways and highlights of the event, and to provide your own perspective and analysis. You can also include photos or videos to illustrate your review and make it more engaging.

To write a review of an event, you’ll need to gather some information about the event, including the topics that were covered, the speakers or presenters, and any key highlights or moments. You’ll also want to include your own thoughts and insights on the event, and any actionable tips or recommendations you have for others who might be interested in attending similar events.

Instant effect is trust and authority.

Some ideas for events you might review on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A conference or workshop you attended

✅ A networking event or industry meetup

✅ A webinar or online event

💡 Remember to keep your review focused and informative, and be sure to include any relevant links or resources for further reading.

13. Countdown to an event or product launch

If you’re counting down to an event like a webinar or product launch, use your LinkedIn posts as a teasing. This can be a great way to build excitement and anticipation, and by including a limited time call-to-action, you can also encourage your network to register for the event or follow along when the new product is released.

Some ideas for events you might promote on LinkedIn include:

✅ An online webinar or live training you’re hosting (our favorite ! 😎)

✅ A live event you’re hosting or attending

✅ A product launch or pre-sale of an upcoming product

💡 To promote an event or product launch, you can add a call to action to register on the event or be on to signup on the waitlist of the product launch. You can then engage via email.

14. Celebrate a business milestone aka Build in Public !

Celebrating a business milestone can be a great way to share your achievements with your audience and to build credibility and trust. When celebrating a business milestone, it’s important to be genuine and authentic, and to focus on the impact and significance of the milestone. You can also include photos or videos to illustrate your celebration and make it more engaging.

To celebrate a business milestone on LinkedIn, you might consider writing a post that describes the milestone and explains its significance. You can also include any relevant details, such as the date the milestone was reached, or any special events or activities that took place to mark the occasion.

Adding your learnings to achieve it is super appreciated as well.

Some ideas for business milestones you might celebrate on LinkedIn might include:

✅ The anniversary of your business or product launch

✅ A major achievement or award you have received

✅ A significant increase in sales or customer base

💡 Remember to keep your celebration focused and positive, and be sure to thank your customers, partners, or anyone else who has contributed to your success.

15. Past Job Experience

Sharing your past job experience can be a great way to demonstrate your skills and expertise, and to connect with your audience on a more personal level. When sharing your past job experience, it’s important to focus on the accomplishments and skills you gained during your time in those roles, and to explain how those experiences have prepared you for your current role or business.

To share your past job experience on LinkedIn, you might consider writing a post that describes your responsibilities and achievements in each role, and explains how those experiences have helped you to develop as a professional. You can also include any relevant details, such as the companies you worked for, the industries you worked in, or the skills you developed.

Some ideas for past job experiences you might share on LinkedIn might include:

✅ A highlight reel of your key accomplishments in each role

✅ An overview of the industries you have worked in and the skills you have developed as a result

✅ A description of the challenges you have faced in your career and how you have overcome them

💡 Remember to keep your past job experience focused and relevant, and be sure to highlight any skills or experiences that are relevant to your current business or career goals.

About the Author Selim Chehimi

CEO @MarkCopy

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