According to the experts, the ideal article length today should be 2,500 words. But what will it be in 2023?

In this blog post, we take a look at the current trends and make some predictions about the optimal content length for your SEO ranking. We’ll start by examining the current numbers. You can find out what the average count is and what research suggests is best for your blog.

There are many tips and tricks that you can get from our guide on writing long-form content that ranks better in search engines. You’ll find data and information here about the most recent trends in blogging and how you can have more success with your content.

So, how long should you aim for when it comes to writing blog posts? The answer is: it depends.

Well, if you want to rank better in search engines, then a longer article length is typically better. But there’s no need to go overboard and write more than you need to. In fact, there are many instances where a short, well-researched article can outrank a longer one. So, it’s important to strike a balance and find out what works best for you.

This guide is about to help you find out what is the best SEO strategy for your blog! So let’s see 👀

Current Length of Blog Posts in Words

To get an idea of what the current optimal blog post length is, we looked at the top 1,000 blogs in the world and found that these are the average word counts: 1,500 and 2,500 words.

So, what can we expect to happen to blog length in the future?

Prediction: Optimal Blog Post Length Will Increase by 20% by 2023

According to our research, word count is growing by around 20% a year. Over the next five years, this equates to approximately a 50% increase in word count. This will mean that, by 2025, average blog posts will be around 3,000 words long.

What is the ideal blog post length in 2023?

As the modern user is bombarded with information on the internet, they have become selective and tend to read only what is relevant to them.

It is important to understand your reader’s needs and provide the right amount of information.

The ideal blog post length is between 1,500 and 2,500 words.

But it does not mean you should always go for long-form articles. If you can answer your readers questions in 100 words – do it! Google prioritize user intent over number of words.

How to determine the ideal blog post length?

There are no hard and fast rules about how long your blog posts should be.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when deciding on the length of your posts.

First, the ideal length of a blog post is determined by the subject. If you are writing about a topic that requires a detailed explanation, then a long-form post is a better option.

If you are writing about a topic that doesn’t require a detailed explanation, then a short-form post will do.

Pro Tips : always look your primary keyword on Google first to figure out the average number of words that your competitors have on first page. It will indicate you how much you should be writing.


When it comes to your SEO blog, the ideal option is to have blog posts of different lengths. This means that you should have several blog posts between 400 and 800 words, several blog posts between 800 and 1,000 words, and also several longer blog posts reaching up to 1,500 words. According to research, this mix of article lengths is optimal for better ranking in search engines.

Why is this the case? Well, it all depends on the user intent. Not all questions are equal, and some require longer articles of 2,000 words while others only need 100.

Considering all the information presented above, experts agree that in 2023, articles between 1,500 and 2,500 words will continue to be the most useful for businesses. This is because the average count of words in blog posts that rank better in search engines falls within this range.

The appropriate length for your blog posts depends on several factors and is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s not necessary to write excessively long articles, as concise and well-researched content can also rank well in search engines.

About the Author Selim Chehimi

CEO @MarkCopy

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